For Sale
I sell various electronics related items that I come across from time to time. Audio and test equipment, electronic components, and all sorts of items of interest to electronics and audio enthusiasts.
Category list coming soon, but for now just some featured items.
Featured Items

PIC 12F629 Smart Motor Controller Boards v1
price: $15 CAD per panel
I have several panels of circuit boards which were originally intended as smart motor controllers for robotics projects.
Each panel includes 22 Microchip PIC 12F629 microcontrollers, and 22 sets of H-bridge boards.

PIC 12F629 Smart Motor Controller Boards v2
price: $10 CAD per panel
I also have panels from a later version of the above design.
These panels includes 14 Microchip PIC 12F629 microcontrollers, and 14 sets of H-bridge boards.

Wavecom A2020 Agile Video Modulator
price: Temporarily out of stock
These agile modulators turn any composite video signal into a cable channel.
Intended for industrial uses like video on demmand systems, they are also great for home use.
Put PC tv-out on channel 75, a front door security camera on 76, and a baby monitor on 77, or any combination of video signals and unused cable channels that you want.

Microchip PICKit 1 Microncontroller Development Kit / USB Programmer
price: Out of stock
All you need to get started programming Microchip 8-bit FLASH microcontrollers.